Skilled Volunteering Opportunities
Thank you so much for your interest in contributing time and energy to New Neighbors Partnership and the mission of welcoming newcomers. We will continue to update this page as our needs change. At the moment, we are looking for the roles listed below.
If you have skills to contribute that are not listed here, feel free to reach out. You can also get involved by partnering with a family or contributing to a refugee family's wish list.
​Translate Resources
(Spanish, French, Pashto, Russian) (1-2 hours/month)
New Neighbors Partnership has an instagram account dedicated to sharing resources with newly arrived families. We need your help translating these very short posts into the languages our new neighbors speak.
Lead a Workshop
Share Skills With Our Staff (one-time)
We're always looking for professional development opportunities for our staff. If you have a relevant skill and would like to deliver an online session/workshop for our small staff, please be in touch. We love learning from our community!
Help Plan Our Community Welcome Party
(2-3 hours/month)
Each summer, for World Refugee Day, we host a community welcome event for newly arrived families and local partner families! Help us plan the event from brainstorming activities, coordinating logistics, and helping out day-of.
If you're interested in any of these opportunities, please email info@newneighborspartnership.org